This notebook refers to, simplifies and reproduces part of the lecture notes given at MIT Open Course Ware with permission from the author, Prof. David Roylance.
last updated: November 12, 2014


Part 1: Introduction To Elasticity

Tensile stress is a stress experienced by a material when a force is applied to the material.

  • Tensile Stress:$$\sigma = \frac{P}{A_{0}}$$
    $\sigma$ = tensile stress, unit: $Nm^{-2}$
    $P$ = applied load, unit: $N$
    $A_{0}$ = original cross sectional area, unit: $m^2$

The ultimate tensile stress (UTS) is the maximum stress applicable to a material before the material broke/fractured.

  • Ultimate Tensile Stress (UTS):$$\sigma_{f} = \frac{P_{f}}{A_{0}}$$
    $\sigma_{f}$ = ultimate tensile stress (UTS), unit: $Nm^{-2}$
    $P_{f}$ = load at fracture, unit: $N$
    $A_{0}$ = original cross sectional area, unit: $m^2$

Tensile stress caused by the material own weight and as a function of its length, $y$.

  • Weight density:$$\gamma = \rho{g}$$
    $\gamma$ = weight density, unit: $Nm^{-3}$
    $\rho$ = material density, unit: $kgm^{-3}$
    $g$ = gravity, value: $9.8{\space}ms^{-2}$

  • Weight supported by the cross-section at $y$: $$W(y) = \gamma{V}$$
    $V$ = volume of material below $y$, unit: $m^{3}$

  • Tensile stress as a function of $y$:
    $$\sigma(y) = \frac{W(y)}{A} = \gamma{y}$$

Stiffness is a measure of the pulling force that is needed to induce a given deformation in a material.

  • Hooke's Law:
    $$P =k{\delta}$$
    $P$ = applied load, unit: $N$
    $k$ = proportionality constant named $stiffness$
    $\delta$ = deformation length, unit: $m$
  • $k$ is also influenced by geometry of the material e.g. wire, spring etc. Therefore, additional definition was made so that $k$ only relate to material properties: $$\epsilon =\frac{\delta}{L_{0}}$$
    where $\epsilon$ is the dimensionless measure of stretching called strain which is deformation displacement per unit length.

  • From the Hooke's Law: $$\frac{P}{A_{0}} =E\frac{\delta}{L_{0}}$$ therefore
    $$\sigma =E\epsilon$$$$ $$ wherein $E$ is know as Young's Modulus or the modulus of elasticity. Hereon, $k$ and $\delta$ can be represented as: $$ $$ $$k =\frac{AE}{L}$$ and $$\delta =\frac{PL}{AE} = \left(\frac{P}{A}\right)\left(\frac{L}{E}\right)=\sigma\left(\frac{L}{E}\right)$$$$ $$It is easy to see that tensile stress is independent of material properties but not the strain, $\epsilon$ (e.g. polymer elongated longer than steel at the same amount load).


1. Determine the stress and total deformation of an aluminum wire, 30 m long and 5 mm in diameter, subjected to an axial load of 250 N.

In [1]:
# Here total means elongation caused by both the weight
# of Aluminum and load applied.

from math import *

L, d = 30, 5.0/1000

A0 = pi*((d/2)**2)

# The stress of the material is

sigma = 250/A0
print 'The stress of the wire is %.f MPa' % (sigma/100000)

# Aluminum Young's Modulus
Al_E = 69E9        # N/m^2
# Aluminum density
Al_rho = (2.7/1000)*(1/(0.01)**3)     # kg/m^3
# Acceleration due to gravity
g = 9.8         # m^2/s

gamma = Al_rho*g
W_g = gamma*A0*L

# Elongation caused by the weight
delta_1 = W_g*L/(2*A0*Al_E)

# Elongation caused by load
delta_2 = 250*L/(A0*Al_E)

print 'Elongation caused by weight is %f m and elongation\n\
caused by load is %f m or about %.1f cm' %\
(delta_1, delta_2, delta_2*100)

The stress of the wire is 127 MPa
Elongation caused by weight is 0.000173 m and elongation
caused by load is 0.005536 m or about 0.6 cm

2. Two rods, one of nylon and one of steel, are rigidly connected as shown. Determine the stresses and axial deformations when an axial load of F = 1 kN is applied.

In [2]:
# Determine stress and axial deformations

from math import *

# Load
F = 1000

# Nylon properties
Ln, dn, En = 1.0, 10.0/1000, 3E9

# Steel properties
Ls, ds, Es = 0.8, 5.0/1000, 210E9

# Stresses on Nylon
sigmaN = F/(pi*(dn/2)**2)
print "Stress on Nylon is %.1f MPa" % (sigmaN/1000000)

# Stresses on Steel
sigmaS = F/(pi*(ds/2)**2)
print "Stress on Steel is %.1f MPa" % (sigmaS/1000000)

# Deformation on Nylon
deltaN = sigmaN*Ln/En
print "Nylon length increase by %.2f cm" % (deltaN*100)

# Deformation on Steel
deltaS = sigmaS*Ls/Es
print "Steel length increase by %.2f cm" % (deltaS*100)

Stress on Nylon is 12.7 MPa
Stress on Steel is 50.9 MPa
Nylon length increase by 0.42 cm
Steel length increase by 0.02 cm

3. A steel cable 10 mm in diameter and 1 km long bears a load in addition to its own weight of W = 150 N. Find the total elongation of the cable.

In [3]:
from math import *

# Cable properties
y, d, E, rho = 1000.0, 10.0/1000, 210.0E9, 7.8E3

# Load
W = 150.0

# Gravity
g = 9.8

# Tensile stress because of its own weight plus load
sigmaW = rho*g*y + W/(pi*(d/2)**2)
print "Stress on Steel because of its own weight and load is %.1f MPa" %\

deltaW = sigmaW*y/E
print "and this caused the Steel length to increase by %.2f cm" %\

Stress on Steel because of its own weight and load is 78.3 MPa
and this caused the Steel length to increase by 37.31 cm

4. Show that the effective stiffnesses of two springs connected in (a) series and (b) parallel is

(a) series: $\hspace{2cm}$ $\frac{1}{k_{eff}} = \frac{1}{k_{1}} + \frac{1}{k_{2}}$
(b) parallel: $\hspace{1.85cm}$ $k_{eff} = k_{1} + k_{2}$

For springs connected in series, both springs experience the same load, $P$:

$P = k_{eff}\delta_{eff}$

wherein $\delta_{1}$ = $P/k_{1}$ and $\delta_{2}$ = $P/k_{2}$ and $\delta_{eff} = \delta_{1} +\delta_{2}$ so

$\delta_{eff} = \frac{P}{k_{1}} + \frac{P}{k_{2}}$


$\frac{P}{k_{eff}} = \frac{P}{k_{1}} + \frac{P}{k_{2}}$

and this gives (by dividing with $P$):

$\frac{1}{k_{eff}} = \frac{1}{k_{1}} + \frac{1}{k_{2}}$

For springs connected in parallel, both springs experience different loads, $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ but the same deformation:

$P_{1} + P_{2} = P$
$\delta_{1} = \delta_{2} = \delta_{eff}$


$P_{1} = k_{1}\delta_{1}$
$P_{2} = k_{2}\delta_{2}$


$k_{1}\delta_{1} + k_{2}\delta_{2} = k_{eff}\delta_{eff}$

and $\delta_{eff}$ is equal to $\delta_{1}$ as well as $\delta_{2}$ so by dividng it with any $\delta$ will give:

$k_{eff} = k_{1} + k_{2}$

7. A tapered column of modulus E and mass density ρ varies linearly from a radius of $r_{1}$ to $r_{2}$ in a length L. Find the total deformation caused by an axial load P.

From the Hooke's Law:
$$\frac{P}{A_{0}} =E\frac{\delta}{L_{0}}$$ $$ $$ so
$$\delta =\frac{PL}{E}\frac{1}{A}$$
and $A = \pi{r^{2}}$ and $L = y$ at $r$ so $$ $$ $$d\delta =\frac{Pydy}{E}\left(\frac{1}{\pi{r^{2}}}\right)dr$$ $$ $$ if the $r$ varies from $r_2$ to $r_1$ (and $y$ varies from 0 to $L$) then $$ $$ $$\int_{0}^{L}\int_{r_{2}}^{r_{1}}d\delta = \frac{P}{\pi{E}}\int_{0}^{L}\int_{r_{2}}^{r_{1}}\frac{y}{r^{2}}dydr$$

In [4]:
# The symbolic python library can be used here

import sympy as sp

y, r, L, r1, r2 = sp.symbols('y r L r1 r2')

sp.integrate(y/(r**2), (y, 0, L), (r, r2, r1))

L**2/(2*r2) - L**2/(2*r1)

Therefore: $$\delta = \frac{PL^{2}}{2\pi{E}}\left[\frac{1}{r_{2}}-\frac{1}{r_{1}}\right]$$ $$ $$ the area under the $f(x) = \frac{1}{r^{2}}$ is always positive (as shown figuratively in plot below).

In [5]:
import numpy as np

rx = np.linspace(11,1,100)
yx = 1/rx**2

%pylab inline

plot(rx, yx)                        # Plot x against y


Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['cosh', 'ldexp', 'hypot', 'tan', 'isnan', 'log', 'fabs', 'floor', 'sqrt', 'frexp', 'degrees', 'pi', 'log10', 'sin', 'fmod', 'exp', 'copysign', 'cos', 'ceil', 'isinf', 'sinh', 'trunc', 'expm1', 'e', 'tanh', 'radians', 'modf', 'log1p', 'gamma']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5377e862d0>

8. A tapered column of modulus $E$ and mass density $ρ$ varies linearly from a radius of $r_{1}$ to $r_{2}$ in a length $L$, and is hanging from its broad end. Find the total deformation due to the weight of the bar.

From the Exercise 7:
$$\delta =\frac{PL}{E}\frac{1}{A}$$
and $P = \rho{g}Ay$ at any $r$ so $$ $$ $$d\delta =\frac{(\rho{g}Ay)dy}{E}\left(\frac{1}{A}\right) = \frac{(\rho{g})ydy}{E}$$ $$ $$ Thus $\delta$ is independent of $A$ and so is with $r$ $$ $$ $$\int_{0}^{L}d\delta = \int_{0}^{L}\frac{(\rho{g})ydy}{E}$$

In [6]:
# Again, the symbolic python library can be used here

import sympy as sp

y, L = sp.symbols('y L')
sp.integrate(y, (y, 0, L))


Therefore: $$\delta = \frac{\rho{g}L^{2}}{2E}$$

9. A rod of circular cross section hangs under the influence of its own weight, and also has an axial load $P$ suspended from its free end. Determine the shape of the bar, i.e. the function $r(y)$ such that the axial stress is constant along the bar’s length.

In [6]: